A woman giving a thumbs-up while sitting at a dental chair, smiling, with a clean, modern dental office environment behind her.



Invisalign® is a form of orthodontic treatment that works to correct many different types of malocclusions through the use of a series of clear plastic trays called aligners. As a more discreet, comfortable and completely removable method of care, Invisalign aligners provide an effective alternative to traditional orthodontic braces and metal wires for certain types of malocclusions.

Developed by a team of Stanford University students, the advanced 3D imaging, modeling, and aligner technology that defines the Invisalign system of care was introduced to the public in the year 2000. Since that time, it has become an extremely popular option in care.

Invisalign uses advanced 3-D computer imaging technology to formulate a sequence of custom-made clear aligners. The aligners, each of which is worn for a couple of weeks, incrementally move the teeth into place until the final desired corrections are reached. The advantage and appeal of the Invisalign method are that the clear aligners are more cosmetic, comfortable and convenient than other orthodontic appliances and operate with minimal interference to daily activities. Invisalign allows teens and adults to enjoy eating all of their favorite foods, and engage in sports without the fear of breaking their orthodontic appliances or sharp poking wires. Moreover, as the aligners are completely removable, tooth brushing and flossing are much easier as there is no need to clean in between any attached orthodontic brackets or wires.

*Invisalign is a registered trademark of Align Technology, Inc.

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